Last week my husband and I traveled into Boston to see a Bruins game. There was a bad snowstorm so we left the suburbs really early to be ahead of the rush-hour slog……We parked by Fanueil Hall and when we emerged it was a Boston that I had never experienced before……The snow was like a white blanket over the city and everywhere I looked there was white lights covering trees, lining doorways and rooftops…..and it was quiet….there was barely a car on the road and only people here and there on the sidewalks…..My husband and I just walked in wonder, taking it all in. And as we did that a couple walked by us arm-in-arm sheltered from the snow by their red umbrella………I snapped the picture before with only my iphone, but it captured the feeling of the moment…and that’s what makes a picture special.
Thank you to The Photographer Within for featuring this photo on their Instagram feed!!!