Business Roundtable
Grab your seat at Jen’s virtual table once a month for 6 months to talk everything and anything photography business-related. Build a long-term relationship with Jen and your peers! Get the support you need to keep your business on track! Empower yourself with tools for success.
Six 1 hr group video calls.
25 page e-book "The Photogrrapher's SEO Handbook" + live chat with an SEO expert
Pre-assignment prior to each call to help facilitate a beneficial business discussion. Jen will lead the discussion starting with this topic, but conversations and questions will be free to flow wherever participants feel they want to focus.
Open Q&A with Jen during the call.
Month 1: Business Self-Assessment, Goal Setting & More
Month 2: Pricing & Financial Planning
Month 3: Marketing Planning & Branding
Month 4: Chat With An SEO expert
Month 5: Peer Website Review
Month 6: Launching Your Next Marketing Campaign & Class Wrap-Up
Melissa Mccann –
Jen’s Business Roundtable was just what I needed to help me as I worked through the start of my senior photography business. I looked forward to the calls and not only enjoyed learning from
Jen and all her insight but also from my fellow group members. It was a supportive safe environment that gave each of us the opportunity to really think through our businesses from pricing to branding to websites. I highly recommend this and honestly felt a bit sad when our Roundtable came to an end.
Karen Koenig –
The Business Roundtable is a great model for business learning. With the theme each month, Jen not only provides valuable business info, but also adds the layer of having a group discussion with other business owners. I always left the discussion with something to implement and try. Jen has a gift to perfectly guide the group through a productive discussion. I highly recommend this learning experience for anyone interested!
Marjorie cohen –
Jen’s Business Roundtable exposed me not only to great content, but a fantastic community! I looked forward to our monthly meetings and learning from the other photographers. I loved having a structure where I could set monthly goals for myself, and be held accountable by the group.
Jen is extremely generous with her advice and resources, which allowed us to cover a wide range of topics in great depth. She is not only an incredible artist, but a wonderful business guide and teacher. I would highly recommend the Roundtable.